Jones Act Seamen Cases
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirm Seaman's Status Under the Jones Act Injured Crew Member Medevaced from Fishing Vessel 5th Circuit Case Shows Washington Bridge Repairmen May Be Able to Recover Compensation Under the Jones Act Second Circuit Court of Appeals Declines to Apply Maritime Rescue Doctrine to Injured Crew Member Federal Court of Appeals Clarifies Definition of Seaman under Jones Act Maritime Cases: State or Federal Court? Private Investigators: Deposition Witness Fees Paid as Experts or Fact Witnesses? Litigation or War of Attrition? Discovering the Blacklist, ''This Will Go on Your Permanent Record'' Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock Are Surveillance Films Discoverable? Shelby Enhanced Injury Doctrine Adopted into the General Maritime Law The Effect of Intentional Concealment of a Prior Injury upon a Seaman's Claim for Jones Act Injury The Aborted Voyage of the Nanea Millions for Defense but Not One Dime for Tribute The One Armed-Lawyer Failure to Report Injuries within Seven Days not Fatal to Maritime Claims